
The Canadian Society for the Study of Education.

We are the largest organization of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada.

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The Canadian Society for the Study of Education is the largest organization of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada. CSSE is the major national voice for those who create educational knowledge, prepare teachers and educational leaders, and apply research in the schools, classrooms and institutions of Canada.

CSSE is a bilingual organization whose mission is to advance knowledge and inform practice in educational settings. Our major scholarly event is the yearly conference at Congress. However, CSSE is also anxious to encourage meetings throughout the year and provides seed money (Maximum $2500 per event) for short term scholarly events that support its mission.

Membership in CSSE has many benefits including an annual conference, professional networking, representation to several national groups with direct access to decision makers, and a subscription to the leading Canadian educational journal. If you have any questions or would like to receive a CSSE membership form in the mail, please contact our office.