CSSE Annual Conference

2018 Conference

The CSSE Annual Conference is held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. This bilingual conference provides an opportunity for discussion of educational issues among practitioners and educational scholars from across the nation.

The University of Regina is predominately situated in Treaty 4 Territory with a presence in Treaty 6 Territory. Treaty 4 is the traditional territory of the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota, Lakota and Dakota peoples, and is the homeland of the Métis people. As educators in these territories, it is our collective priority to ensure all learners gain a deeper understanding of our shared histories and contemporary relationships. Indigenization and reconciliation are our collective responsibilities. [source: http://www.uregina.ca/education/about-us/index.html]

Dear CSSE delegates,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, held in conjunction with the Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Regina. CSSE formally acknowledges that University of Regina is located in the territories of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, and Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis. Today, these lands continue to be the shared territory of many diverse peoples from near and far. The nêhiyawak originally referred to Regina as oskana kā-asastēki which literally means “the place where bones are piled up.” This is why Regina’s nickname is “Pile O’Bones” and this is the origin of the name of the University’s current location in Wascana Park. I invite you to use this acknowledgment in all of your conference sessions, as a reminder that our conference is taking place on Indigenous lands.

This year, as part of CSSE’s ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, CSSE organized a tour of Fort Qu’Appelle, site of the signing of Treaty 4. CSSE respects and honours that Treaty 4 was signed in Fort Qu’Appelle on 15 September 1874, and CSSE is committed to honouring the spirit and intent of all treaties with the Indigenous peoples in this country. If you were not able to participate in the tour, I invite you to find out more about Treaty 4, Reconciliation, and how treaties are important to all Canadians, by visiting the website of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner: http://www.otc.ca/. I particularly recommend this informative video: We Are All Treaty People http://www.otc.ca/videos/video_category/we_are_all_treaty_people.html.

This year’s conference truly embodies the overall Congress theme of “Gathering Diversities.” I invite you to browse through the program to take in the breadth of scholarly work happening in CSSE and showcased during our conference. Please take particular note of our special events, including the CSSE plenary address featuring Dr. Marie Battiste, the ACDE-CSSE reception, ACDE’s inaugural Sherman Lecture featuring Dr. Vianne Timmons, the CSSE AGM, the CSSE Spotlight Sessions, and the numerous association-level special events.

The CSSE Board of Directors joins me in extending sincere thanks to Acting Dean Andrea Sterzuk, who has been a gracious host and mentor to CSSE throughout the process of conference planning. We also thank our tireless local arrangements coordinators, Wanneta Martin and Keith Adolph, and their colleagues at the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, who have worked diligently for over a year to manage the on-the-ground logistics of running a conference for almost 1,000 people. We also thank the Program Planning Committee, whose work began in September 2017. Creating a conference program requires judgement, diplomacy, and many, many hours of behind-the-scenes planning and organizing. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Michael Holden, who created the conference program (and dealt with about a million change requests), Katy Ellsworth for conference management, communications and media outreach work, and Tim Howard, for holding the reins through the entire process.

The CSSE Board of Directors wishes you an excellent conference experience and a memorable stay in Regina.


Nicholas Ng-A-Fook
President, CSSE

As Acting Dean of the Faculty of Education, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the University of Regina for CSSE 2018! We are delighted to host educational researchers from across Canada for an exciting week of academic exchange. I would like to thank our conference organizers Wanneta Martin and Keith Adolph in their roles as Local Area Coordinators and as well as students, faculty, and staff who also volunteered their time.

We are looking forward to hosting you in Regina and on campus for this year’s conference. While you are here, I hope you have an opportunity to learn more about the Faculty of Education, which has a fine reputation for undergraduate and graduate programs in Education in specializations such as French teacher education, Arts Education, and Adult Education, to name but a few. We also offer certificate programs in elementary school mathematics, inclusive education, educational technology and media, TESOL and human resource administration in education. Several Indigenous teacher education programs are also associated with the Faculty: Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP, Regina), Indigenous Education (First Nations University of Canada, Regina), Yukon Native Teacher Education Program (YNTEP, Whitehorse), and Nunavut Teacher Education Program (NTEP). The Faculty has excellent longstanding relationships with educational agencies in the province and has been a leader in educational developments over the years.

CSSE 2018 promises to be an engaging programme. I wish you all an excellent conference.

Andrea Sterzuk
Acting Dean
Faculty of Education

Throughout the conference: Spotlight Sessions

CSSE is proud to present this year’s Spotlight Sessions, which were selected for their broad appeal and are open to all CSSE delegates. Please check the conference app to confirm dates, times, and locations.

Celebrating Ten Years of fYrefly in Saskatchewan

May 26th 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Luther College (LC) Auditorium

Please join Queer Studies in Education and Culture (QSEC) for a celebration of 10 years of fYrefly in Saskatchewan. Dr. André Grace will join a panel of speakers from this province’s LGBTQ+ communities to speak of the progress and activism of the past decade that has moved gender and sexual diversity (GSD) in from the margins.

CERA Workshop: Writing Persuasive Mixed Methods Research Proposals

May 27th 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Education Building 438

CERA is pleased to announce a workshop on Writing Persuasive Mixed Methods Research Proposals. Do you have a study idea but not sure how to write a persuasive mixed methods research proposal? If so then this workshop is for you! No matter what your area of scholarship, all scholars and researchers in education can benefit from this workshop. Pre-registration required.

Dr. John Freeman Graduate Mentoring Lunch

May 27th 12:15
Education Building Room 314

CAEP presents the Dr. John Freeman Graduate Mentoring Lunch, for CAEP graduate students.

CACS Signature Event: Climate Change

May 27th 12:15 to 4:30 pm Education Building Room 193 The Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) invites CSSE delegates, educators, and members of the public to attend the CACS Signature Event on Climate Change.


May 27th 1:30 pm Education Building Room 210 Visioning Environmental & Sustainability Education in Teacher Education: Town Hall Session. Join ACDE as it considers developing a new Accord.

CASIE Keynote: Reconciliation Writ Statistical

May 27th, 1:30 pm
Education Building Room 341

CASIE presents its keynote speaker, Dr. Chris Andersen, presenting Reconciliation Writ Statistical.

CSSE 2018 Plenary Session

May 27th 4:30 pm
Education Auditorium

CSSE presents Dr. Marie Battiste, who will deliver this year’s Plenary Lecture, Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Academy: Achieving Cognitive Justice. All CSSE delegates are invited to attend.

CSSE and ACDE Awards Ceremony and Reception

May 27th 6:00 pm
Rotunda, Innovation Place, University of Regina

The Canadian Society for the Study of Education and the Association of Canadian Deans of Education are proud to host the annual Awards Ceremony and Reception.

CCGSE Roundtable and Poster Session

May 28th 9:45 am
Riddell Centre 128

All CSSE delegates are encouraged to attend the CCGSE Roundtable and Poster Session in the Riddell Centre Multipurpose Room. Come meet the next generation of educational scholars! Light refreshments will be served.

Launching the Accord on Teacher Education: ACDE Presents the Inaugural Sherman Lecture

May 28th 1:30 pm
Education Auditorium

The Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) invites all CSSE delegates to attend the inaugural Sherman Lecture with University of Regina President Dr. Vianne Timmons.

SSHRC Update

May 28th, 1:30 pm
Education Building Room 311

Early career scholars and graduate students: please join SSHRC Program Officer Stephen Brown for an update on recent developments at SSHRC.

Networking Session for Senior Administrators

May 28th, 3:00 pm
Education Building 314

Join ACDE and CASEA for an informal networking session for senior administrators.

Showcase of Educational Research: CJE presents the Canada Research Chairs in Education

May 29th 11:15 am
Education Auditorium

The Canadian Journal of Education hosts a Showcase of Educational Research, featuring Canada Research Chairs in Education.

Showcase of Educational CSSE Annual General Meeting

May 29th 12:15 pm
Education Auditorium

The CSSE Board of Directors encourages all CSSE members to attend the CSSE AGM and Lunch. This is your chance to have a say in how your society operates!

CIESC presents Gathering Diversities: Graduate Students’ Framings of Comparative and International Education.

May 29th 4:30 pm
Education Building Room 621

CIESC presents Gathering Diversities: Graduate Students’ Framings of Comparative and International Education.

CATE Graduate Student Panel: Pathways and Possibilities

May 30th 11:15
Education Building Room 314

CATE presents a Graduate Student Panel Pathways & Possibilities: Navigating Potential Career Paths in Teacher Education, with panellists Drs. Mark Aquash, Leyton Schnellert, and Timothy Sibbald.