CSSE Annual Conference

2021 Conference

The final draft of the CSSE 2021 conference program is now available here. You can use the search feature in Adobe Reader to search for a word in the title or the name of the author.

To inform us of a withdrawal/cancellation, please contact the Michael Holden at conference-congres@csse-scee.ca. If you are no longer planning to present at the conference, please inform Michael Holden and your Program Chair. Changes that involve moving sessions or updating information are unlikely to be accommodated at this stage, as the Congress system is now closed.

Registration is now open for CSSE 2021! All delegates attending or presenting at CSSE are required to register via the Congress website at https://congress2021.ca/registration. For information on registration and registration rates, please visit https://csse-scee.ca/conference-registration-2021/

Presenting at CSSE 2021?

Information for accessing and navigating this year’s virtual platform will be emailed to all presenters and delegates in the coming weeks. If you have questions, please email Michael Holden, Conference Manager, at conference-congres@csse-scee.ca

Commitment to Bilingualism

As a bilingual association, CSSE is committed to showcasing the work of scholars in English, French, or the language(s) of our authors’ work and research. Multilingual research and presentations reflect the diversity of our community and our scholarship, and we hope that you take the opportunity to engage with colleagues in these spaces.

As you read this year’s program, please take special note of sessions tagged as Bilingual / Bilingue, which indicate that at least one paper in the session includes bilingual content. Bilingual content may include presentations, slides, or discussion questions in multiple languages, based on presenter comfort level and needs of each session.

As you prepare for this year’s conference, if you would like support from CSSE graduate students with slide translation, or would like support with bilingual discussions during your presentation (e.g., Q&A support), please email communications@csse-scee.ca by March 31, 2021.

CSSE Executive statement in support of the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA)

Federation’s response to the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA)