Travel Assistance to Graduate Students Plan Your Trip Information provided by Congress (e.g. Accommodations, Childcare) Registration Information Portal for membership: https://www.assocsrv.ca/csse/index.asp?lang=e
Registration is now open for CSSE 2023. Click here for more information – https://csse-scee.ca/conference-registration-2023/
We are pleased to announce that the CSSE 2023 Programme App is now available! We invite you to browse the many excellent sessions featured in this year’s programme, including the various special events, spotlight sessions, and faculty, graduate student, and community-based research being presented.
The App contains the most up-to-date information about session times and locations. Please discard any past program drafts, as they are now out of date. This includes the PDF draft that you can access here as an archived reference only.
To inform us of a withdrawal/cancellation, please contact Michael Holden, Conference Manager, conference-congres@csse-scee.ca. If you are no longer planning to present at the conference, please inform Michael Holden and your Program Chair. Cancellations and changes will be updated in the CSSE App; the PDF program will not be updated beyond March 30.
Session Delivery Modes
As we shared in the Call for Proposals, CSSE 2023 will be held mostly in person at York University’s Keele campus, with some virtual elements available on the Swoogo platform organized by Congress. While CSSE now has two years of experience hosting online-only gatherings, we have no experience hosting a hybrid conference at CSSE’s scale, and a fully (or largely) hybrid gathering involves significant challenges.
Throughout the program, sessions are tagged as being either “In Person”, “Hybrid”, or “Online Only”. In-person sessions take place in rooms that may not be equipped with appropriate technology for a fully interactive hybrid session. Hybrid sessions take place in rooms that are equipped with appropriate technology, and can be accessed either inperson or via the Swoogo platform. Online only sessions take place exclusively via the Swoogo platform.
As we outlined in the Call for Proposals, CSSE 2023 will take place predominantly in person, with the majority of sessions occurring in-person at York University’s Keele campus. CSSE 2023 and Congress will be held in line with public health guidelines from the Ontario government, and in line with York University’s COVID-19 protocols. Specifically, CSSE asks that delegates follow mask guidelines as articulated by the host York University at the time of the conference, stay home if you are sick, and stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines and flu shots. We echo York University President Dr. Rhonda Lenton in stating that “if you are able to wear a mask, do so. Treat it as a requirement for your own health and that of others.” As researchers, educators, and community members, it is our responsibility to do what we can to protect ourselves, our colleagues, and our communities at large.
Commitment to bilingualism
As a bilingual association, CSSE is committed to showcasing the work of scholars in English, French, or the language(s) of our authors’ work and research. Multilingual research and presentations reflect the diversity of our community and our scholarship, and we hope that you take the opportunity to engage with colleagues in these spaces.
As you read this year’s program, please take special note of sessions tagged as Bilingual / Bilingue, which indicate that at least one paper in the session includes bilingual content. Bilingual content may include presentations, slides, or discussion questions in multiple languages, based on presenter comfort level and needs of each session.