Officers | Executive Committee
President pro tem: Robert Nellis (Red Deer)
President-Elect: Shelleyann Scott (Calgary)
Vice-President (Anglophone): Robert Nellis (Red Deer)
Vice-President (Indigenous): Christine Martineau (Concordia University of Edmonton)
Vice-President (Francophone): Sylvie Roy (Calgary)
Secretary-Treasurer: Patricia Briscoe (Niagara)
Past President: Position filled every second year | Poste est comblé une fois chaque deux ans
Directors | Association Members
ACDE President(s): Lace Marie Brogden (StFX)
CACS President(s): Jennifer Markides (Calgary) and Stephanie Bartlett (Calgary)
CAEP President(s): Nancy Norman (VIU) and Monique Somma (Brock)
CAFE President(s): Jonathan Anuik (Alberta)
CASEA President(s): Pamela Osmond-Johnson (Regina)
CASIE President(s): Sharla Mskokii Peltier (Lakehead) and Jennifer MacDonald (Regina)
CASJE President(s): Manu Sharma (TRU)
CASWE President(s): Jessica Prioletta (Bishop’s)
CATE President(s): Leyton Schnellert (UBC)
CCGSE President(s): Kelly Zhang (Toronto) and Henry Ssali (Toronto)
CERA President(s): Oksana Babenko (Alberta)
CIESC President(s): Karen Pashby (Manchester Metropolitan)
Other Positions
CJE Anglophone Editors: Jeannie Kerr (SFU) and Ee-Seul Yoon (Manitoba)
CJE Francophone Editor: Carole Fleuret (Ottawa)
Conference Manager: Michael (Mike) Holden (Queen’s)
Communications Manager: Cameron Smith (Ottawa)
Member Services: Barb Ford (CSSE Secretariat)
Director of Administration: Tim Howard (CSSE Secretariat)