
Founded in 1972, the bilingual CSSE is an umbrella organization consisting of the following national constituent associations:

Canadian Association for Studies in Indigenous Education (CASIE)

The Canadian Association for Studies in Indigenous Education promotes the study and dialogue of professors, students, researchers and practioners in the field of Aboriginal/Indigenous education.

Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE)

The Canadian Association for Teacher Education promotes dialogue on teacher education, research and collaboration in this field; includes special interest groups: early childhood education and business teacher educators.

Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE)

The Association of Canadian Deans of Education (formerly the Canadian Association of Deans of Education) brings together the deans, directors, and chairs of education to focus on the governance and development of faculties, colleges, schools, and departments of education.

Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA)

The Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration promotes the study of educational administration among both scholars and practitioners; affiliated with the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management.

Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education (CASWE)

The Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education focuses on the study of gender issues in curriculum, pedagogy, sports and educational administration.

Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE)

The Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education encourages and supports graduate students to play active roles in CSSE and its constituent associations through student-oriented social events, conference workshops and other sessions, as well as a national communication network. The president of the student committee participates as a voting member of the Society’s Board of Directors.

Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS)

The Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies supports inquiries into and discussions of curricula that are of interest to Canadian educators. In context of CACS, the term “curriculum” is defined broadly as any complex structure, or set of structures, that supports learning and teaching. CACS includes the special interest groups: Science Education Research Group (SERG), Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Regroupement pour l’étude de l’éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire (RÉÉFMM), Canadian Critical Pedagogy Association (CCPA), and the Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (ARTS).

Canadian Association for Educational Psychology (CAEP)

The Canadian Association for Educational Psychology brings together those interested in the application of psychology to education; includes special interest groups: special education and cultural psychology.

Comparative and lnternational Education Society of Canada (CIESC)

The Comparative and lnternational Education Society of Canada brings an international and comparative focus to the study of the sociocultural setting of education; includes the special interest group: Citizenship Education Research Network (CERN).

Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE)

The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) promotes the study of the history, philosophy, and sociology of education. CAFE is a constituent association of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE).

Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association (CERA)

The CERA works to improve the quality and quantity of educational research. CERA is a constituent association of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE).