CACS Celebration of Scholarly Creative Works 2013

Call for Scholarly Creative Works

Dear colleagues and friends…

Please accept warm greetings from CACS. We hope that your year since CSSE 2012 in Waterloo has been fruitful, productive, and enriching. At CSSE 2013 in Victoria, we will once again host our Celebration of Creative Scholarly Works. We would like to invite you to share your work!

We are seeking to exhibit works published/exhibited in the field of curriculum studies that have been created/authored by members of CACS in 2012-13. Works in various formats will be included: books, articles, poetry, performances, multimedia, visual arts, musical compositions, exhibition pieces, etc.

The Celebration is scheduled to be held at the University of Victoria Club, Monday June 3, 5:30 PM. If you are interested in having your work featured in this exhibition event and will be able to attend, please contact Robert Nellis by March 25th, 2013 at, with the completed Exhibition Information form (please see attached). Please bring your work to the event (in whatever format is appropriate, e.g., hard copy in the form of print material, poster, postcards, visual images, laptop/net book/tablet with audio visual slides, recordings of musical compositions, sample art pieces, etc.). As well, if you could contact your publisher for a donation of at least one copy of your publication that could be used for a draw or door prize during the event, that would be highly valued!

Works will be shown in a setting where people can mix and mingle over conversation and wine & refreshments. It is anticipated that exhibitors will also be able to participate in the mingling.

We look forward to seeing you all in Victoria and look forward to celebrating recent scholarly creative works within Canadian curriculum studies.


Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS)
Arts Researchers & Teachers Society (ARTS)
Canadian Critical Pedagogy Association (CCPA)
Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC)
Regroupement pour l’étude de l’éducation en milieu minoritaire francophone (REEFMM)
Science Education Research Group (SERG)

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