Edge 2013
*At the Edge: Creating Direction for Peace and Justice*
*Save the Date and Plan to Participate!*
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August 21-23, 2013
Faculty of Education
Memorial University
St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Visit us: www.edge2013.ca
Contact us: edge2013@mun.ca
At the Edge: Creating Direction for Peace and Justice brings together people and organizations involved in educating and working with youth who recognize that in every act of violence and injustice there is a message that needs to be understood (Vanier, 2008). At the Edge Conference, participants will listen to and critically reflect on these messages, as well as be invited to commit to personal and organizational change.
This conference is a collaborative venture by the Faculty of Education, Memorial University, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Red Cross. In addition, several other education and social agencies are partnering with us, including the Department of Education, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Eastern School District.
Plan NOW to attend and participate as a delegate or a presenter.
Presentation and paper proposals due: 17 May 2013.*
*Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Ursula Kelly – Professor, Memorial University
/On A Speaker’s Corner, At the Edge: Soapbox-Worthy Considerations for Education in Difficult Times/
Dr. Debra Pepler – Professor, York University
Dr. Wendy Craig – Professor, Queens University
/Creating Healthy Relationships: The Essential Foundation for Healthy Development/
Dr. Brenda Morrison – Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University/
The Vulnerable Edge of our Humanity: Compassion, Restoration and Hope/
Special Youth Panel:
/“What do we want adults to know about working with youth/?”
Visit our Website for more information: www.edge2013.ca