CMLR – Special Issue

The Canadian Modern Language Review (CMLR) invites manuscripts to be considered for the special issue « From second language pedagogy to the pedagogy of ‘plurilingualism’: a possible paradigm shift? » – to appear in 2015. In this issue we solicit empirical research that considers plurilingualism as distinct from multilingualism. In this sense, plurilingualism may be considered as a paradigm of either continuity or discontinuity with second language pedagogy on the macro level – curricula – as well as on the micro level -receptive, productive and interactive activities. The aim of this issue is to provide research evidence that addresses the different epistemological, pedagogical and/or methodological aspects of a plurilingual stance on language pedagogy. Possible topics include (but are not restricted to): plurilingual and pluricultural competence; the transition from second language to plurilingual competence in the classroom; the promotion of plurilingual competencies during teaching, learning and assessment; translanguaging; and code-meshing. We strongly encourage contributions for the “Focus on the classroom” section, in which research-based approaches to pedagogy and methodology are presented and elaborated. Submissions are welcome in either English or French. All submissions are subject to the usual CMLR peer review process.

Please visit the submission guidelines at the following link for information on manuscript length, the mandate of the journal, and other aspects of submission:

Submission deadline: June 30, 2014

Submissions should be sent electronically through

Receipt of all manuscripts will be acknowledged via PRESTO.