I just took over as book reviews editor for the Alberta Journal of Educational Research. “The Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER) is a quarterly journal, published in Canada, devoted to the dissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms of systematic enquiry into education and fields related to or associated with education” (as cited at http://ajer.synergiesprairies.ca/ajer/index.php/ajer/index). I am currently in search of book reviewers. If you are interested, please let me know. And, if you know of PhD students and candidates and colleagues able to review, please send along my request to them or send me their names. I ask that prospective reviewers send me their CV, a brief covering letter that lists affiliation (independent scholars welcomed!), regular mail address, contact information (especially e-mail address and telephone number), and book review interests. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or of anyone to whom I could send this call. Thank you! Cheers!! Jon [Jonathan Anuik, anuik@ualberta.ca]
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