Dear CSSE/SCEE member
My name is Ashley and I am an education administrator in Kingston, Ontario and hold a Master’s of Education. Currently I am gathering research to write a book on alternative & progressive education in Canada. A chapter excerpt will be published this fall in “Our Schools / Our Selves” magazine, by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).
The book’s focus will be dedicated to understanding how progressive education works, and how the public & private systems support youth in developing their full potential. Different types of education in Canada will be discussed, such as Montessori, homeschooling, democratic schools, and so on.
It would be great to get your perspective on your family’s schooling experience. Please take approx. 5 minutes to complete the survey below (whichever one applies to you).
For alternative educators:
For teachers in the private or public school systems:
For parents:
Thank you! Please feel free to contact me any time at or at 613-876-3554.