Paideusis Special Issue

Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society

** Call for Papers **

Special Themed Issue on Sexual Minorities in Schools
Guest Editor: Dr. Don Cochrane, Professor Emeritus, University of Saskatchewan

Potential topics include:

  preparing teachers and administrators to address sexual minority issues in schools
  conceptualizing and taking action on social justice issues related to discrimination and inclusion; e.g.,“washroom” issues, representation in the curriculum
  considering the rights (or lack of them) of sexual minority teachers
  responding to opposition to equity initiatives (e.g., from religious groups)
  analyzing the political struggle over Manitoba’s Bill 18

Paideusis invites you to submit a one-page abstract of your proposed piece by November 15, 2013. Please direct inquiries and send abstracts to Guest Editor Dr. Cochrane at Authors of proposals selected for possible inclusion in the issue will be asked to submit the full text by March 15, 2014 (maximum 5,000 words). All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review.

The special issue is scheduled to be released in late spring of 2014.

As always, Paideusis welcomes submissions from diverse traditions of philosophical inquiry. Submissions on topics not related to this special theme are also welcome at any time; these should be uploaded according to the instructions on the Paideusis website:

Claudia Eppert & Daniel Vokey, Co-Editors in Chief
Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society