Handbook of Canadian Research in Initial Teacher Education

I am the editor of the “Handbook of Canadian Research in Initial Teacher Education” for which invited authors are currently writing the chapters. As a handbook with focus on Canadian research on initial teacher education, it will give particular consideration to the research by Canadian scholars on initial teacher education. In order for the Handbook to reflect relevant Canadian scholarship as much as possible, the Handbook’s Advisory Board members, the respective authors, and I invite you to send us a list of your publications that you consider relevant to the chapter themes listed below. While, in the end, it will be up to the chapter authors to decide whether and in what way they consider a given reference to be relevant to their approach to the chapter theme, your sharing of your relevant publication references will be greatly appreciated by all involved.

Below you find a list of themes that different chapters of the Handbook will address (not all chapter themes are listed). If you find that one or more of your references address a particular theme listed below, we invite you to list for each applicable theme those references and send your structured list to Mike Link at link@cc.umanitoba.ca.

With kind regards,


Thomas Falkenberg, PhD
Associate Professor
230 Education Building
Faculty of Education
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Phone: (204) 480-1486
Fax: (204) 474-7550
e-mail: tfalkenberg@umanitoba.ca

List of themes:

  Initial teacher education programs in Western Canada
  Initial teacher education programs in Ontario
  Initial teacher education programs in Atlantic Canada
  Governance of initial teacher education
  Design of initial teacher education programs
  Field experiences in initial teacher education
  Pedagogies of initial teacher education (within university courses, not including field experiences; the authors are particularly but not exclusively looking at the following: Action research, Analysis of teaching, Portfolios, Service learning, Problem-based learning, Cases and case study, Digital technologies, Microteaching
  History of initial teacher education in Canada
  Philosophical issues in initial teacher education
  Aboriginal Initial Teacher Education
  Rural initial teacher education
  Social justice issues in initial teacher education
  Globalization and internationalization of initial teacher education

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