CPES 2014 Dissertation Award

Call for Submissions: Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 2014 Dissertation Award

The Canadian Philosophy of Education Society has instituted an annual award to recognize an outstanding thesis or dissertation that addresses significant issues in philosophy of education. CPES invites submissions from all philosophical traditions in either English or French. Authors need to be members of CPES at the time of submission, and the thesis or dissertation has to be completed at a Canadian university, to be considered for the Award.

Award recipients will receive a certificate from the CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee plus a cash award of one hundred dollars ($100.00). If award recipients have not already presented a paper at CSSE based upon their thesis or dissertation research they will be encouraged to submit a proposal for such a paper presentation to the CPES Program Committee.

The CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee will review Master’s (M.Ed. and M.A.) theses and Doctoral (Ed.D. and Ph.D.) dissertations on alternate years (odd numbered for Master’s, even numbered for Doctoral). The 2014 award is for Doctoral dissertations only.


Persons may be nominated by a member of their research supervisory committee, by a member of CPES, or may nominate themselves. The thesis or dissertation must have been completed and the degree awarded within the past two years (24 months) prior to the submission deadline. A complete submission package consists of a copy of the thesis or dissertation, including abstract, along with a letter of recommendation from a member of the research supervisory committee explaining why the work makes a significant contribution to philosophy of education. All documents should be submitted as email attachments in Word or pdf format. (If submission by email is not possible, please contact one of the Co-Chairs of the CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee.)

Please send dissertations, nominations, or queries to:
Dr. Donald Kerr, Co-Chair
CPES Thesis and Dissertation Award Committee

The next submission deadline is 15th January 2014 and is for Doctoral dissertations only. The Committee’s decision will be announced publicly at the next annual meeting of CPES, at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, in May 2014.

If you are unsure whether a dissertation is sufficiently linked to philosophy of education to meet the award criteria, please send a copy of the abstract and table of contents to one of the Co-Chairs of the Committee for initial screening.

Dr. Claudia Ruitenberg, Co-Chair                     Dr. Donald Kerr, Co-Chair
claudia.ruitenberg@ubc.ca                         don.kerr@lakeheadu.ca