Dear colleagues
The Moroccan Center for Civic Education in collaboration with its international and local partners is pleased to invite you to the 1st International Conference on Education for Democratic Citizenship to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco from February 26 – March 1, 2014.
The purpose of this event is to enable both international and local participants to exchange and share “best practices” in education for democratic citizenship and explore how teachers and schools can educate learners to be effective and active citizens who are committed to democratic principles. The conference will also take stock of the reforms taking place since the beginning of the Arab Spring and survey the post-uprising need for citizenship education.
Under the theme of “Educating Youth for Democratic Futures,” the meeting will provide a forum for dialogue and the sharing of innovative practices, experience and expertise in the field of democratic citizenship education, with a focus on classroom implementation.
For international participants, please make sure you arrange your air travel, visa expenses and medical insurance. You should also plan to arrive in Casablanca/ Marrakesh on Wednesday February 26 and provide us with your flight itinerary to be able to arrange your transfer from Casablanca or Marrakesh airports to the conference site and back.
For those who need an official invitation please let us know to email you one. If you wish to arrive earlier or continue your trip in Morocco, we will be more than happy to arrange it for you with our local travel agency.
If you are experiencing problems with the links, please feel free to contact the Moroccan Center for Civic Education at 00 212 522 475 800 from 9 am to 5 pm (Monday through to Friday, Morocco time) or send an email to Mr. Abderrazzak Morjani at and
Additional information on the conference is also posted on
The deadline for the abstracts submission is November 30, 2013. To submit an abstract, please use the following link
The deadline for the internationals registration is December 31, 2013 and local participants is January 31, 2014. To register, please go to
Please find attached the conference announcement and call for papers and share with your colleagues and network.
We look forward to your participation at this exciting event hope that you will be able to join us in Morocco.
Best regards
Marie Josée Berger, Full professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.(
Elarbi Imad, President and Executive Director, Moroccan Center for Civic Education, Morocco. (
Timothy J. Stanley, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. (