The Canadian Society for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) invites nominations for the Thomas B. Greenfield Dissertation Award Committee for 2013-2014. This award recognizes outstanding doctoral work in the field of educational administration.
To be eligible, the dissertation must have been successfully defended during the previous calendar year (January 1 – December 31, 2013), or the degree awarded during that period.
Nominations will be accepted only from the doctoral candidate’s supervisor or co-supervisor. Self-nominations are NOT accepted. English and French language submissions will be accepted.
The nomination package includes materials provided by the supervisor/co-supervisor and nominee:
1. Nomination letter written by the supervisor or co-supervisorproviding the name and contact information for the nominee.
2. A one-page summary written by the supervisor or co-supervisoraddressing the Selection Criteria (refer to criteria on website: to demonstrate why the dissertation merits consideration for the award.
3. A 10-page (maximum) summary written by the nominee outlining the purpose of the study and its original contribution to educational administration; justification and explanation for the methodology and theoretical and/or conceptual framework employed; and description and justification for methods where appropriate. (see notes on website:
4. An electronic copy of the dissertation.
Please note that dissertations will be judged according to the significance of the contribution of the research, the explanation and justification of the research design, and thoroughness and use of literature review to contextualize the completed study. Only dissertations displaying excellence in writing and presentation (e.g. clarity of writing, polished and free of error, etc.) will be seriously considered (see Selection Critieria on website:
Deadline for submission is January 15, 2014. Please send nomination electronically to:
Dr. Bonnie Stelmach (University of Saskatchewan)