
Please mark your calendars for the fifth annual conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS).

Although the overall conference theme will focus on social policy this year, we welcome conference submissions from all areas of longitudinal and life course studies: physical, psychological, social developmental and ageing processes and functioning within and across life course stages from infancy to old age; methods and findings of cohort studies; other sources of longitudinal data such as panel studies and record linkage; international comparisons; household, and income dynamics; intergenerational transfers and returns to learning; gene-environment interactions; ‘mixed’, and comparative methods; innovative methodology in design, measurement, data management, analysis and research practice (quantitative and qualitative).

Proposals are sought for three kinds of conference presentation:
1. A symposium comprising at least 3 papers to be presented in a one and a half hour session or a series of two sessions. For each symposium suggested we require an overall abstract of no more than 300 words plus an abstract of no more than 300 words for each paper. Please provide names and professional affiliations for all presenters.
2. An individual paper for oral presentation for which an abstract of no more than 300 words is required.**
3. A poster presentation for which an abstract of no more than 200 words is required.

** Papers which do not fit into regular sessions may be allocated to Round Table discussion groups or presented as posters.