WERA Global Ethics International Research Network Symposium, co-sponsored by the Faculty of Education at UBC.
Intellectual Autonomy and Social/Global Accountability in Higher Education in Times of Crises: International Lessons
Location: Academic South 215, Brock University. Please RSVP by 30 March at
This event brings together scholars from 22 institutions internationally, mostly from Departments of Education, who will offer insights/hindsights/foresights and strategies related to the shifting public/social role of universities in times of economic austerity.
9:15 Welcome (Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti & Cash Ahenakew, EDST, UBC)
9:30 Keynote: Simon Tormey, University of Sydney, Higher Education and Alter-Globalization. Chair: Karen Pashby
10:30 coffee break
10:45 Panel I: The university as ‘critic and conscience of society’. Chair: Michelle Nicolson
Angus Macfarlane (University of Canterbury), Lynn Mario de Souza (University of Sao Paulo), Diana Brydon (University Manitoba), Ali Abdi (University of Alberta) .
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Panel II: ‘Critically informed and multi-voiced’… scholarship and teaching. Chair: Juliana Martinez
David Jefferess (UBC), Clarissa Jordao (Universidade Federal do Parana), Paul Tarc (Western University), Momodou Sallah (Leicester Metropolitan University), Fran Martin (University of Exeter), Saskia Stille (University of Toronto)
14:15 Panel III: ‘Socially accountable and independent’ … intellectual inquiry. Chair: Andrea Mattos
Lynette Shultz (University of Alberta), Fatima Pirbhai-Illich (University of Regina), Kumari Beck (Simon Fraser University), Michael O’Sullivan (Brock University), Allyson Larkin (King’s University College), Judy Bruce (Canterbury University)
15:30 coffee break
15:45 Final Plenary: Ethical internationalization: HE as a space for debates about alternative futures.
Lisa Taylor (Bishop’s University), Su-Ming Khoo (National University of Ireland), Vanessa Andreotti (UBC)
16:45 Event ends
Event free of charge. Light lunch provided, courtesy of Faculty of Education, UBC.
Please RSVP at
Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, Ph.D.
Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change
Department of Educational Studies | Office: WMAX room 211
The University of British Columbia
1933 West Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2
Phone 604 827 1577 | Fax 604 822 4244