The Canadian Teachers’ Federation invites you to bring both expertise and an open mind to the presentations and discussions of this year’s CTF President’s Forum which will explore the challenges of meeting needs of vulnerable students in classrooms today.
The Forum will hear perspectives of those who have lived the challenges firsthand including individuals, community agencies, governments, students, teachers and, (to the extent you speak up) you. Attendees are expected from many parts of society both inside and outside the educational community including Bands, schools, school boards, Federal and Provincial/Territorial Ministries, agencies and community organizations. The broader the audience; the better the discussion. The Forum schedule builds in discussion and question time and a way to ensure that the results feed discussions afterwards with both digital and print records.
OECD tests show that Canadian schools are the best in the world at meeting the needs of a diverse student population. The CTF President’s Forum recognizes that schools can do more and is part of a search for improvement. Presentations and discussions will aid CTF in shaping its approach to these issues as the national representative of teachers and teacher organizations.
Build your knowledge; build your network; build your influence! by being part of the President’s Forum, meeting and networking with key people who can influence our society. This is a unique opportunity for the sharing of perspectives on an education issue that affects all of society.
The event will be at The Fairmont Winnipeg in downtown Winnipeg all day Monday, July 7, 2014 and Tuesday, July 8, 2014 until 1:30 p.m. Registration includes refreshment breaks, Monday lunch and a late afternoon reception. Register for the Forum on-line. There is also a link on the registration page if you wish to reserve a room at The Fairmont Winnipeg. Special room rates are available for the event if you book early.
For further information please contact Sandra Lane at