AERA Charters & School Choice SIG

Dear Colleague,

At the beginning of April, the American Educational Research Association (AERA) will be holding its annual meeting in Philadelphia.  As co-chair of the Special Interest Group business meeting described below, I would like to extend a particular invitation to those of your members who will be present in Philadelphia to attend the interesting talk described below.  School Choice is, of course, an international phenomenon and we look forward to the opportunity to sharing experiences with any of your members who will be present.

On a related matter, since 2012, a number of our colleagues have been gathering each January in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for the International School Choice & Reform Conference.  2015 will mark our fourth conference.  Although the graphical materials for the 2015 event are not yet complete, I am attaching the link to the 2014 Conference in the hope that you will disseminate it, together with a brief explanation, to your membership.  Last year, more than 17 countries were represented and we strive to increase that number next year.  This is not one of those “pay us your money and we’ll accept your paper” sort of conferences but, rather, is a mature gathering of researchers and policymakers interested in international school reform efforts. 

Please feel free to contact me if you would like some further information before distributing these two separate announcements.

The 2014 Conference is described at

Aloha and thank you for helping to spread this information.

Robert A. Fox, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii

Please join us
from 6:30 to 8 PM on
Saturday, April 5th

Prof. Katrina Bulkley
“Philadelphia Schools at a Crossroads”

Hosted by the new
Charters & School Choice SIG
at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
1201 Market Street
Fourth Level, 406
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Drinks & hors d’oeuvres provided.
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