Invitation to Attend CEA’s Regional Workshops

Invitation to Attend CEA’s Regional Workshops
Get inspired to influence a change mindset in our schools

In October 2013, over 300 workshop delegates – from the entire spectrum of the Canadian education stakeholder community – congregated in Calgary to share what they thought was standing in the way of change in education.

A report detailing this invaluable feedback has just been released.

What’s Standing in the Way of Change in Education? – Barriers, recommendations and analysis:

What’s Standing in the Way of Change? – Workshop reflections and videos:

Inspired by the openness, courage, and energy displayed among the Calgary delegates, CEA is moving this thought work forward by hosting similar workshops in five regions across the country to provoke more education stakeholders to retain their ideal vision for public education, while developing a set of actions that could get to the heart of dissolving the barriers that stand in the way of the changes they want to see.

As a valued CEA Member, we would like to invite you to one of the following workshops:

Regional Workshop Schedule

Fredericton, NB
Friday, April 25 – University of New Brunswick
(Registration deadline: April 11, 2013)

Winnipeg, MB
Monday, April 28 – Louis Riel School Division
(Registration deadline: April 14, 2013)

St. Catherines, ON
Wednesday, May 7 – District School Board of Niagara
(Registration deadline: April 23, 2013)

Registrants to the Ontario workshop will be offered a 25% discount off of the registration fees for CONNECT 2014, being held on May 8 and 9, in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Vancouver, BC
Wednesday May 14 – University of British Columbia
(Registration deadline: April 30, 2013)

Montreal, QC (in French)
Aug 2014 – Date and location TBA

For more event information and to register, please visit our event web page at:

We hope to include your voice among an impressive network of education leaders who are gathering to answer the question: What’s standing in the way of change in education?

We need your expertise and insight at this important regional discussion of teachers, students, principals, school district superintendents and administrators, parents, aboriginal leaders, teacher association and department of education representatives, policymakers, faculty of education deans, university researchers, and school trustees and corporate and not-for-profit leaders.

CEA is offering these workshops at no cost. Due to the limited number of spots available, we encourage you to register ASAP to secure your participation.

Please note that, with the exception of the Montreal workshop, these workshops will be offered in English only and we are unable to offer simultaneous translation at these events.

For more event information and to register, please visit our event web page at:

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