CAREC Post-Conference 2014

The ‘Wild’ Classroom in Early Childhood Education: (Re) Imagining Learning and Being in the Outdoors

Tentative Agenda
The morning will be spent together in Room: Welch Hall 324 Reception and last minute registration


Opening Session From Present to Past to Future: Shaping Canadian Outdoor Education in the Early Years
Zabe MacEachren & Lindsay Morcom (Queen’s University)

Refreshment Break

Storytelling in the Outdoors to Promote Emotional and Ecological Literacy
Jon Cree (Middlesex University, London; Bishopswood Centre, Worcestershire County Council & Chair of the UK Forest School)

Modeling the Experiential Through (w)Holistic Ecoliteracy: (Re)Imagining Early Year Teacher Education, Lessons From a Nature Preschool
Christopher Filler & Jess Clausen (University of Victoria)

Mid Day Refreshment Break & Posters–Room: Welch Hall Atrium

Breakout Session 1‐Room: Welch Hall 207

Re‐imagining Encounters with/in the Woods: Post‐humanist Possibilities
Sherry Rose & Pam Whitty (University of New Brunswick)

How do Four‐year‐old Children Experience an Outdoor Forest Program?
Magdalena Rudkowski (Simon Fraser University)

Breakout Session 2‐Room: Welch Hall 208

Lessons Learned from a Caterpillar, a Tiger, and a Group of 5‐Year Olds: A Mother’s Struggle with her Anthropocentric and Biocentric Reasoning
Farveh Ghafouri (Fanshawe College)

The Soaring Stars Summer Program: Developing a Sense of Wonder in Low‐income Rural Children
Leigh O’Brien (School of Education at SUNY Geneseo)

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session 3‐Room: Welch Hall 207

Our Outdoor Journey: Re‐Imaging Learning through the Outdoors in the Full‐Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program
Donna‐Lynn Galloway, Shannon Skinner (HCDSB), & Candace Rempel (OISE)

Trail Balloons Bring New Insight into Outdoor Play
Susan Ashley (Holland College) & Beverlie Dietze (Okanagan College)

Breakout Session 4‐Welch Hall 208

Anchoring us in Place: Nurturing Ecological Identities in (and out of) a University Early Childhood Classroom
Karyn Callaghan, Will Letts, & Randa Khattar (Charles Sturt University)

Forest and Nature School in Canada: Building a Connection to Wild and Natural Spaces through Emergent, Play, and Inquiry‐Based Early Childhood Education
Marlene Power (Forest School Canada)

Closing Remarks (Welch Hall 208)

Registration Opens April 1, 2014
All attendees and presenters must register (Regular fee $20; Student fee $10).
To register for the 1 day event go directly to the membership services main page (link below);
choose CAREC Post‐Conference 2014 from the drop down list under Event Registration. Please note: you do not need to register for the main CSSE conference to attend the CAREC post‐conference.
The CAREC Post Conference is brought to you by the organizing committee of Debra Harwood (CAREC SIG President; Brock University); Alaina L. Roach O’Keefe (UPEI); Mary‐Louise Vanderlee (Brock)

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