Dear Members: On behalf of the nominating committee, I have the pleasure of informing you of the election by acclamation of Ruth Kane (Ottawa) as vice-president. The term will begin following the 2014 AGM in St. Catharines.
Biographical Note
Ruth G Kane
Dr Ruth Kane is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa where she served as Director of Teacher Education at the University of Ottawa from 2006 – 2011. Prior to moving to Canada in 2006 Ruth Kane served as Director of Teacher Education at Otago University (New Zealand) and Professor of Secondary Education at Massey University (New Zealand).
Her research interests lie in the development and evaluation of preservice and inservice teacher education programs including the induction of beginning teachers, teacher professional learning through collaborative inquiry and the preparation of teachers for urban schools. She has directed three national research projects in New Zealand: Initial teacher Education; The Preparation and Induction of Beginning Secondary Teachers; and, The Status of Teachers and Teaching prior to coming to Canada. Since coming to Canada she has been principal investigator on a number of province-wide evaluations for the Ontario Ministry of Education including the evaluation of the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) and evaluations of the Early Primary Collaborative Inquiry (EPCI) and the Student Work Study (SWST) initiatives.
Dr. Kane supports a number of graduate students whose fields of inquiry include teacher education, beginning teacher induction, preparing teachers for urban high schools and teacher professional learning. Before entering teacher education Dr Kane was a secondary teacher in New Zealand and Australia, including teaching on indigenous communities in the far north of Queensland, Australia.