Leadership & Values Conference

I’m writing with a reminder that proposals to present papers at the 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference are due by May 15, 2014.  The conference will be held September 18 to 20, 2014 at Deerhurst Resort, Ontario. The theme this year is Towards Transformational Leadership: Values and Ethics for Educational Advancement and Sustainability.

The call for papers is posted on the conference web site (http://cslee19.nipissingu.ca/). If you would like to discuss the possibility of submitting a proposal, please contact Dr. Heather Rintoul at heatherr@nipissingu.ca.

The conference will provide an exciting opportunity to make connections with international leaders in values, ethics, and educational leadership.  Information about the program and featured speakers is available on the conference web site.  We are expecting participants from across the world including New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

I’m enclosing a copy of the conference poster.  Please continue to circulate the poster within your professional communities.  If you would like further information about the conference please write to the conference organizers at valuesandleadership@nipissingu.ca.

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