Latest issue of CJE available (36:3 (2013))

Hello Everyone:  Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at  The table of contents can be found below.  Happy reading!

Editorial 36:3 (1-4)
Victor Glickman

On the effectiveness of team teaching in promoting learners’ grammatical proficiency (5-22)
Mohammad Aliakbari, Ali Mansoori Nejad,

Towards distributed leadership as Standards-based practice in BC (23-46)
Sabre Cherkowski, Willow Brown

Concept Maps Provide a Window onto Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Knowledge in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (47-71)
Tanya Chichekian, Bruce M. Shore

L’efficacité d’une intervention orthopédagogique sur le transfert des apprentissages en lecture : étude de trois cas d’élèves en difficulté (72-107)
Marie-France Côté, Julien Mercier, Line Laplante

Enseigner en classe multiâge : enquête sur les besoins de développement professionnel et d’accompagnement d’enseignants du primaire (108-136)
Christine Couture

Teachers’ Point of Views about Teaching Mathematics Effectively with Manipulatives (137-159)
Nahid Golafshani

Validité et fidélité des résultats académiques :  Un état de la situation (160-183)
Léon Harvey, Marie-Hélène Hébert, Catherine Simard

The Leadership Teachers Want from Principals – Transformational (184-203)
Cal Hauserman, Sheldon L Stick

Directions et futures directions d’école franco-canadienne : sentiment d’efficacité personnelle de leurs compétences pour gérer une école en contexte de valorisation linguistique et culturelle (204-228)
Claire IsaBelle

Accelerating Gifted Students in Canada: Policies and Possibilities (229-271)
Lannie Kanevsky, Debbie Clelland

Rôles des directions d’école en milieu francophone minoritaire (272-297)
Rodney Leurebourg

Imagining Education: An Arendtian Response to an Inmate’s Question (298-316)
Karen Ann Meyer, Lynn Fels

Using Large-scale Assessments to Determine Student Grades (317-353)
Tess Miller

Liberal Practices in a Neoliberal World:  Stumbling Blocks for a Democratic Citizenship Education (354-379)
Michael O’Sullivan, Catherine Chaput

Les objets d’apprentissage des musées virtuels du Canada et les enseignants francophones du pays : leur philosophie d’enseignement et la conception de leur domaine d’enseignement (380-412)
Maryse Paquin

Community involvement in school: Social relationships in a bedroom community (413-437)
Jane P. Preston

Exploring the Challenges of Conducting Respectful Research: The Seen and Unforeseen Methodological Factors within Urban School Research. (438-457)
Julia Samaroo, Negin Dahya, Shahnaaz Alidina

Contemplation as a Corrective to Technological Education (458-480)
Sean Steel

Book Reviews//Comptes Rendus
Jacques Rancière: Education, Truth, Emancipation (481-483)
Sardar M Anwaruddin

Life at the Intersection:  Community, Class and Schooling (484-485)
Bliss Hanson

Teaching About Hegemony: Race, Class and Democracy in the 21st Century (486-489)
Bonnie Lynn Stelmach