Hello Everyone: Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at http://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce. The table of contents can be found below. Happy reading!
Editorial 36:3 (1-4)
Victor Glickman
On the effectiveness of team teaching in promoting learners’ grammatical proficiency (5-22)
Mohammad Aliakbari, Ali Mansoori Nejad,
Towards distributed leadership as Standards-based practice in BC (23-46)
Sabre Cherkowski, Willow Brown
Concept Maps Provide a Window onto Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Knowledge in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (47-71)
Tanya Chichekian, Bruce M. Shore
L’efficacité d’une intervention orthopédagogique sur le transfert des apprentissages en lecture : étude de trois cas d’élèves en difficulté (72-107)
Marie-France Côté, Julien Mercier, Line Laplante
Enseigner en classe multiâge : enquête sur les besoins de développement professionnel et d’accompagnement d’enseignants du primaire (108-136)
Christine Couture
Teachers’ Point of Views about Teaching Mathematics Effectively with Manipulatives (137-159)
Nahid Golafshani
Validité et fidélité des résultats académiques : Un état de la situation (160-183)
Léon Harvey, Marie-Hélène Hébert, Catherine Simard
The Leadership Teachers Want from Principals – Transformational (184-203)
Cal Hauserman, Sheldon L Stick
Directions et futures directions d’école franco-canadienne : sentiment d’efficacité personnelle de leurs compétences pour gérer une école en contexte de valorisation linguistique et culturelle (204-228)
Claire IsaBelle
Accelerating Gifted Students in Canada: Policies and Possibilities (229-271)
Lannie Kanevsky, Debbie Clelland
Rôles des directions d’école en milieu francophone minoritaire (272-297)
Rodney Leurebourg
Imagining Education: An Arendtian Response to an Inmate’s Question (298-316)
Karen Ann Meyer, Lynn Fels
Using Large-scale Assessments to Determine Student Grades (317-353)
Tess Miller
Liberal Practices in a Neoliberal World: Stumbling Blocks for a Democratic Citizenship Education (354-379)
Michael O’Sullivan, Catherine Chaput
Les objets d’apprentissage des musées virtuels du Canada et les enseignants francophones du pays : leur philosophie d’enseignement et la conception de leur domaine d’enseignement (380-412)
Maryse Paquin
Community involvement in school: Social relationships in a bedroom community (413-437)
Jane P. Preston
Exploring the Challenges of Conducting Respectful Research: The Seen and Unforeseen Methodological Factors within Urban School Research. (438-457)
Julia Samaroo, Negin Dahya, Shahnaaz Alidina
Contemplation as a Corrective to Technological Education (458-480)
Sean Steel
Book Reviews//Comptes Rendus
Jacques Rancière: Education, Truth, Emancipation (481-483)
Sardar M Anwaruddin
Life at the Intersection: Community, Class and Schooling (484-485)
Bliss Hanson
Teaching About Hegemony: Race, Class and Democracy in the 21st Century (486-489)
Bonnie Lynn Stelmach