Call for Papers: Paideusis

Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society

** Call for Papers **

Special Themed Issue on Philosophical Perspectives on Education for Well-Being

Guest Editor: Thomas Falkenberg, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba

Focus of the Special Issue:
The focus of the special issue is on education for well-being as a/the purpose of formal and non-formal education. Human well-being is here understood in its widest sense, including Indigenous and traditional Eastern notions of happiness and the good life (e.g., Mino-Pimatisiwin), the ancient Greek notion of eudemonia, and modern notions of happiness, flourishing and well-being as developed in positive psychology, for instance. Contributions to the special issue are sought on philosophical perspectives of and inquiries into these notions and their role(s) in formal and non-formal education.
The following list illustrates possible issues and questions that authors might consider for their proposal:
• What does “well-being” mean, and why should an education system be concerned about it?
• Is “well-being” as a/the purpose of education justifiable, and what would such a purpose imply for formal and non-formal education, including teacher education?
• What role does culture play in understanding and educating for well-being?
• What philosophical and cultural traditions of well-being as a focus for education exist and how do they relate to each other?
• What philosophical issues arise for assessing and measuring well-being?
• What socio-cultural and socio-political issues arise when making well-being an educational concern?

Paideusis invites from interested authors a one-page summary/abstract of a proposed article and a brief biographical note outlining the author(s) background relevant to the topic by 7 September 2014. Please direct inquiries and send summaries/abstracts with biographical notes to Guest Editor Thomas Falkenberg at Authors of proposals selected for possible inclusion in the issue will be asked to submit the full text by 31 December 2014 (5000-7000 words). All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review.

The special issue is scheduled to be published in May 2015.

Bruce Maxwell, Kevin McDonough, & David Waddington, Co-Editors in Chief
Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society

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