Call for Papers Special Issue 2016
Showcasing the translingual SL/FL classroom: strategies, practices, and beliefs
The Canadian Modern Language Review (CMLR) invites manuscripts to be considered for the special issue “Showcasing the translingual SL/FL classroom: strategies, practices, and beliefs” to appear in 2016.In this issue, we solicit empirical research as well as practice-oriented articles on translingual practices, particularly in Canadian classrooms or those with special relevance to Canadian second, foreign, heritage, aboriginaland ancestral language teaching. By translingual practices we mean “making meaning, shaping experiences, gaining understanding and knowledge through the use of two languages” (Baker 2011: 288). The special issue targets studies in any of the following settings: language minority students in structured immersion and/or transitional settings as well as language minority and/or majority students in immersion, maintenance, two-way/dual language, additive, and mainstream bilingual settings.
We welcome a wide range of methodological approaches, including auto-ethnography, survey research, mixed-methods designs, case studies, discourse analysis, and conversation analysis. In addition to classroom practices, research related to the status and role of students’ native languages in the SL/FL/HL/Aboriginal and ancestral language classroom including school policies, teachers’ attitudes, beliefs, and classroom practices, and students’ attitudes towards their own learning are welcome. We strongly encourage contributions for the “Focus on the classroom” section, in which research-based approaches to pedagogy and methodology are presented and elaborated. Submissions are welcome in either English or French. All submissions are subject to the usual CMLR peer review process.
Please visit the submission guidelines at the following link for information on manuscript length, the mandate of the journal, and other aspects of submission:
Submission deadline: June 30, 2015
Submissions should be sent electronically through PRESTO:
Receipt of all manuscripts will be acknowledged via PRESTO.
Questions about the special issue may be addressed to the co-editors:
Shelley Taylor, Western University
Cecelia Cutler, City University of New York