Reciprocal Learning Conference

Reciprocal Learning & Symbiotic Relationships in School Development


We invite you to attend and/or present at the Second Annual Canada-China Reciprocal Learning International Conference: Reciprocal Learning & Symbiotic Relationships in School Development

This conference will be held on May 10-12, 2014 at East China Normal University in Shanghai, China.

Sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant and the University of Windsor.

We would like to invite you to share your experience and papers with fellow academics, teachers and professionals.

Conference Topics include:
• Experience in school development and school education research in different regions and countries
• Issues in school development (e.g. educational reform, teacher development, school curriculum, student growth/achievement
• Interschool, interregional and intercultural school development (e.g. ecological conditions, basic mechanisms, or methodology)
• Role and function of government, school and teacher in interschool, interregional and intercultural school development
• Role of culture in school development
• Issues in school education research (e.g. research ethics, research methods, cultural factors)

Click here to visit the conference web site to learn more about the proposal abstract submission, presenters, agenda, venue and more. Submission for proposal abstract deadline is 30 November 2014.

Questions? Send us an email at or call 519-253-3000 ext. 2131

For those who speak Chinese only, please contact Qian Yang at

We look forward to seeing you!

Dr. Shijing Xu and Dr. Michael Connelly,
Project Co-Directors
SSHRC Partnership Grant Project