The Editors of the Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS) invite submissions for an upcoming Special Issue on the topic of Curriculum Theory and Teacher Education. Few collections have explicitly examined the linkage and utility of curriculum theory in relation to the education of teachers. While previous studies have used curricular frameworks to make sense of teacher learning within teacher education programs and other structures for teacher learning, this Call targets research that explicitly uses curriculum theories and curricular modes of inquiry to conceptualize, analyze, or provoke teacher education programs, courses of study, and formalized learning experiences. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide a research basis for the theoretical attributes of curriculum within teacher education contexts. Manuscripts could draw from a variety of epistemological orientations and may include empirical, historical, or conceptual methodologies.

Possible topic areas include (but are not limited to):

  • Curriculum theorizing of teacher education programs
  • Curricular examinations of historical and contemporary teacher education reforms
  • The teaching of curriculum and curriculum theory within teacher education programs
  • The politicization of curriculum theory within teacher education programs
  • Diverse program orientations supported through explicit curriculum theories and designs

Please note: Manuscripts that solely describe teacher education programs will not be considered.

Timelines and Process

  1. Submit a proposal of between 400-1,000 words to jcacs@queensu.ca by March 1st, 2015.  Proposal should include:
  • Title of article
  • Author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
  • An article abstract of 500 words, highlighting novel features and explicit connection of curriculum theory to teacher education
  • An explanation of the contribution the article will make to curriculum studies
  1. Successful authors will be invited to submit full papers for peer review, following normal procedures. The following timeline is anticipated:
  • Proposal submission: March 1st, 2015
  • Invitation to submit complete manuscript: March 15th, 2015
  • Full manuscript submission: July 1st, 2015
  • Anticipated publication date: October 15, 2015

Inquiries about this Special Issue can be made via email to jcacs@queensu.ca