Dr. Hanne Mawhinney

Our colleague Dr. Hanne Mawhinney of the University of Maryland passed away on Jan. 24, 2015. I have copied below the message sent out by Michelle Young of UCEA with the announcement of this sad news.

“Hanne’s passing represents an enormous loss for the field.  UCEA, in particular, has benefited from Hanne’s keen insight, strong leadership, and tireless commitment to organization.  Hanne represented the University of Maryland on the UCEA Plenum from 1999-2013, when she was elected to the UCEA Executive Committee. As part of the UCEA Community, Hanne organized symposia, participated in panel discussions, reviewed proposals and presented over 35 papers at UCEA conferences.  She published in, was a reviewer for, and served on the editorial board of EAQ and was a member of the UCEA publications committee.  Hanne served as a faculty mentor for the Barbara L. Jackson Scholars program, for the William Boyd Politics of Education Seminar, as well as for the David L. Clark Graduate Student Research Seminar.  She represented UCEA on the audit and steering committee of the Education Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) for six years and attended many meetings in the Washington, DC area as a representative of UCEA headquarters.  In 2011, Hanne received a service award from UCEA for her leadership in developing the 2011 ELCC Standards for School and District Leadership.  Hanne was a unique combination of leader, scholar, mentor, follower and advocate.  There is no one quite like her and she will be missed terribly.

Expressions of sympathy may be sent to her husband Jack and daughter Emily at 2748 Gingerview Lane, Annapolis, MD 21401. A Scholarship Fund is being established to honor Hanne’s work. Donations can be made payable to the UMCP Foundation (University of Maryland College Park Foundation), with the following specification: “For the Dean’s Initiatives Fund (Account #21-20025) In Memory of Dr. Hanne Mawhinney.” Checks can be sent to:

Sarah Davis
Donor Relations Coordinator
UMD College of Education
1308 Benjamin Building
College Park, MD 20742”

With reference to her involvement in CASEA, Hanne was a recipient of the Margaret Haughey Master’s Award in 1990 and the T. B. Greenfield Dissertation Award in 1994. She was a regular participant in our annual CSSE and CASEA conferences. I remember her especially as a pleasant and thoughtful participant in our conference sessions.



Ken Brien, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
Educational Administration and Leadership
Faculty of Education
PO Box 4400
Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 5A3
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