Historical Studies in Education Spring 2015 Issue

Historical Studies in Education
The Spring 2015 issue is now online!

Michael B. Katz, 1939–2014: A Tribute
Alison Prentice

Special Issue /Numéro spécial
Education North of 60 / Éducation au nord du 60e

Introduction: The Territories in the History of Education
in Canada: Where Are We Going? (and Why?)
Heather E. McGregor, W.P.J. Millar

Listening for More (Hi)Stories from the Arctic’s
Dispersed and Diverse Educational Past
Heather E. McGregor

“An Exceedingly Complex Institution”:
Sir John Franklin High School, Yellowknife, NWT
W.P.J. Millar

Creating Able Human Beings: Social Studies Education
in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, 1973 –2013
Catherine A. McGregor

The University Project in the Canadian North, 1964 to 2014
Amanda Graham

Creating Citizens, Building Societies? Adult Education
in the Eastern Arctic as if Community Mattered
Sheena Kennedy Dalseg

North of 60: Some Methodological Considerations
for Educational Historians
Heather E. McGregor

Educational History Resources at Yukon Archives
Ian Burnett

The NWT Archives: A Brief Report from the Trenches
W.P.J. Millar

10 Book Reviews / Comptes rendus