The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is seeking an Editor or Co-Editors for the English language content of the Canadian Journal of Education. The Editor needs to have a broad view of current educational research. He or she will interact with researchers working in Canadian education institutions as well as other education researchers; will have a positive impact on the careers of fellow educational researchers; and will help develop the body of knowledge in education. The Editor should have experience in conducting and writing research, sufficient to enable the solicitation and selection of articles that will result in a high-quality publication that addresses the diverse interests of the readership.
The Editor is responsible for selecting and editing the English-language content for the four annual issues of the CJE. All content must be consistent with the editorial policy set by the CJE Editorial Advisory Board and must meet the needs and interests of CSSE members and Journal readers. The Editor is responsible for maintaining the CJE as the premier journal presenting perspectives on all aspects of education including research, practice, and policy. The Editor is committed to making sure that the Journal maintains its reputation for publishing the best scholarship in these areas.
The Editor must be willing to work in an electronic environment, using the Open Journal Systems database for all Journal activities.