Call for Chapter :: Hacking Education

Hacking Education in a Digital Age: Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Literacies

Editors: Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Sarah Pratt, Bryan Smith, and Linda Radford

Storying A Call for Chapter Proposals: The institutional winds that once supported traditional organizational frameworks for public education have shifted to meet the demands of a transnational globalized digital knowledge economy. In response, teacher education programs and school boards have rewired their infrastructure and are now poised to implement different curricular programs and pedagogical strategies in the name of economic and social innovation for the twenty-first century. Now the digital curriculum must be hardwired for Smartphones, iPads, iPods, and so on—where teachers and students’ bodies are plugged in more readily to the globalized multinational social imaginary and its virtual reality.

Organizational Structure of the Collection: The book will be comprised of three sections (further information attached):
Hacking Teacher Education within a Digital Age.
(De)Coding Cyberspace Culture: Teacher Education, Mobile Apps, and Texting.
Snapchatting Multiliteracies: Social Media, Teacher Education, and Youth Culture.

Submission Requirements: If you are interested in contributing a chapter to this collection, please submit a title, name, affiliation, and 250-word abstract (not including references) to by June 30, 2015. Our editorial committee will review the abstracts. Successful contributors will be notified by 27July 2015. Chapter manuscripts will be due 11 December 2015 for a second round of reviews.