Directed Call for Proposals: Future Directions in Research in Inuit Education
ArcticNet, in collaboration with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s Amaujaq National Centre for Inuit Education, is launching a second Call for proposals to address Inuit education research priority areas developed through roundtable discussions with various partners and at the Forum on Research in Inuit Education held in Iqaluit in February 2013.
Please refer to the documents below for detailed Application Guidelines and the Application Form.
The deadline for submission of full proposals is Friday, 31 July 2015
Selected projects will start on 01 September 2015.
The Call and form may be found on the following link:
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Suite 1101, 75 Albert
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 5E7
tel: 613.238.8181 Ext 268