Call for Book Proposals


Complicated intra-cultural and inter-civilizational conversations and cooperation in and through education have become imperative for human and ecological survival and renewal in today’s world, which is facing unprecedented challenges. The purpose of this book series is to engage in in-depth, cross-cultural and intercultural, international dialogues on how Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism in classical and/or contemporary schools of thought can inform today’s educational theory and practice. Mutual engagement between East and West has had a long history, although obscured in recent centuries by the domination of techno-scientific instrumental reason in the West. It is time to renew nondualistic East-West dialogues for educational insights into relationality, creativity, leadership, compassion, and wisdom to help transform our current understandings and practices.

Although Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are ancient wisdom traditions, they all have new developments in the contemporary age both in Asia and in the West. The focus of this book series is on current perspectives, historically informed and critically analyzed, and their contemporary influences in the diverse settings of education. The editors of this book series welcome manuscripts that draw upon one or multiple schools of thought within or across Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, and/or their intellectual, cultural, and spiritual relationships with Western thought to explore fundamental educational issues or content subject areas at all levels (from early childhood education to higher education) and in all settings of education. Not to reinforce the East/West binary, however, the editors look for manuscripts that evoke and inspire cross-fertilization of educational ideas, new awareness, and alternative pathways that engage difference in a mutually enhanced and enriched way.

The scope of this book series includes multiple educational dimensions such as purposes and aims of education, personhood and interbeing, curriculum and pedagogy, cultural diversity, educational leadership, embodied knowing, ethics, peace and sustainability, and international studies, as well as re-thinking education in specific subject areas. Other topics can be applied as well. The manuscripts can address formal or informal educational programs using a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary lenses.

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