The Fall 2015 issue of Historical Studies in Education, an open-access journal, is now available on line. Go to
Message from the Editor/Message du rédacteur
Paul Axelrod
“Open to All Classes on Terms of Perfect Equality”: The Association of Mechanics’ Institutes and the Establishment of “Adult” Education in Ontario, 1868-1895
Darren Neil Ferry
Section thématique : L’éducation francophone en Ontario / Special Feature: French-language Education in Ontario
La conscience historique de jeunes franco-ontariens d’Ottawa : histoire et sentiment d’appartenance
Stéphane Lévesque, Jean-Philippe Croteau, Raphaël Gani
L’éducation en langue française en Ontario d’hier à aujourd’hui. Problématiser la notion de choix au regard de la forme scolaire
Nathalie Bélanger
Special feature: Articles from the 2014 CHEA Conference / Section thématique: Articles émanant du congrès de l’ACHÉ 2014
Blurring the Boundaries of Policy and Legislation in the Schooling of Indigenous Children in British Columbia, 1901-1951
Helen Raptis
The Emergence of Academies in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada and the Invisibility of the Canada-U.S. Border
Anthony Di Mascio
An Elusive Search for Peace: The Rise and Fall of the World Federation of Education Associations (WFEA), 1923-1941
Harry Smaller
Book Reviews/Compte rendus
D’Arcy Jenish, Trent University: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence
Paul Axelrod
Joel Belliveau, Le « moment 68 » et la réinvention de l’Acadie
Karine Hébert
Deryck M. Schreuder, ed., Universities for a New World: Making a Global Network in International Higher Education, 1913–2013
Roopa Desai Trilokekar
Tanya Fitzgerald and Elizabeth M. Smyth, eds., Women Educators, Leaders and Activists: Educational Lives and Networks 1900–1960
Rebecca Priegert Coulter
Carmen J. Nielson, Private Women and the Public Good: Charity and State Formation in Hamilton, Ontario, 1846–93
Patricia Kmiec
Heather Lewis, New York City Public Schools from Brownsville to Bloomberg: Community Control and Its Legacy
Josh Cole
Jennifer Wallner, Learning to School: Federalism and Public Schooling in Canada
Matthew Hayday