The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education is welcoming article submissions for a Special Issue which will focus on international approaches to mentoring and coaching those who occupy formal middle leadership roles in elementary or secondary school settings. The aims of the Co-Editors of the Special Issue are to:
1) raise awareness of the potential benefits, challenges, and implications for mentoring and coaching individuals who are second in command in elementary or secondary school settings across the globe; and
2) contribute to the thin body of literature and scant scholarship pertaining to the ambiguities often inherent in middle leadership and management in education.
The focus of the articles will be on positions such as assistant principals, vice principals, and deputy head teachers. We are seeking authors from multiple countries.The assistant principal /vice principal/ head teacher position is a key socialization point for upper management positions because it is often the role where novices first encounter the paradoxes of leading schools and develop the foundational skills, dispositions, and values that guide future leadership practice. Several countries have made attempts at providing formal mentoring or coaching programs to support senior school leaders, but formal support for the second in command is often neglected. It is our hope that as we shine the spotlight on the unique mentoring and coaching needs of individuals in these secondary roles, and effective approaches to meeting their needs, we will assist in filling a gap in the research and offer helpful resources for supporting them.
Articles for the special issue may include original research, reports of exemplary programs, practitioner learning, conceptual pieces, or reviews of literature on the topic of mentoring and coaching for assistant principals/ vice principals/deputy head teachers in elementary or secondary educational settings. We invite potential authors to submit a manuscript by March 25, 2016 in order to be considered for the Special Issue which will be published in November, 2016. The submission guidelines are below. If we accept more papers than are needed for one issue, the additional manuscripts will be published in subsequent issues of the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.
Journal Scope
IJMCE publishes cutting edge accounts of empirical research, review papers, theoretical contributions and practitioner papers on mentoring and coaching in educational contexts, including
schools, colleges and universities.
Now 4 issues from 2015
Established in 2012 and publishing 4 issues per annum, IJMCE has an internationally renowned Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) and has published some of the most significant recent work on mentoring and coaching in education, written by leading authors in the field from around the world. All submissions are blind reviewed by three independent reviewers from at least two different countries.
Submit a paper
Submissions to IJMCE are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at
Prospective authors are encouraged to read the following article before finalising and submitting their papers:
Hobson, A.J. (2014) Why manuscripts submitted to an international peer reviewed journal in education are rejected, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(2), 188-196.
This commentary is freely available on the IJMCE website at
Further information
More information, including author guidelines, is available at:
or contact Andy Hobson (Editor-in-Chief, or Lizzy Seal (Publisher, For questions specifically related to this Special Issue on assistant/vice principals/deputy heads, please email Linda Searby at or Denise Armstrong at