STLHE 2016 Call for Proposals

The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference is being held in London, Ontario on June 21-24, 2016, co-hosted by Western University and Fanshawe College. Proposals for the Conference and Pre-conference are now being accepted.

The 2016 conference theme is Empowering Learners, Effecting Change. The graduates who are best equipped to succeed in this rapidly changing world have the ability to adapt and apply their skills to new and unpredictable contexts, see opportunity where others perceive risk, and persist in the face of challenges. STLHE 2016 explores the ways in which we contribute to the development of students who are motivated, confident, and prepared to effect positive change in personal, professional, educational, and civic realms.

The Call for Proposals is available at Proposals are due 6 January 2016. Please note that this deadline is firm and will not be extended. We look forward to your proposal submissions!

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