Does your school save the planet with its eco programs? Here’s your chance to superpower your school with the latest technology!
The 2016 Staples Superpower your School Contest, brought to you in collaboration with Earth Day Canada, will run 3 December 2015 – 29 January 2016 and will recognize schools that are doing their part to protect the planet. Get ready, because your eco initiatives could help you win 1 of 10 prizes of $25,000 worth of technology for your school. Please note – entrants must be an elementary or secondary school located in Canada that is either publicly-funded or independent with charitable status.
For more information about the contest, please visit
If you have questions or would like to discuss your entry in advance e-mail us at
Want to get a head start on your entry? Download the Pre-Entry Guide for a sneak peek at the entry questions and helpful tips!