2016 Ontario College of Teachers Conference Inspiring Public Confidence
Please join us for the 2016 Ontario College of Teachers Conference Inspiring Public Confidence. Registration is now open.
What is it?
The conference will feature English and French workshops focused on critical issues concerning regulators, the public, employers of Ontario Certified Teachers and providers of teacher education. This year’s keynote speakers include:
• Lieutenant-General, the Honourable Roméo Dallaire (Ret’d). Roméo Dallaire is a retired Canadian Army Lieutenant-General, a devoted humanitarian, an outspoken advocate and champion of human rights and the author of two best-selling books: Shake Hands with the Devil – the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda and They Fight Like Soldiers; They Die Like Children – the Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers. Lieutenant-General Dallaire will begin the conference with the opening keynote speech on May 26.
• Linden MacIntyre. Our closing keynote speaker on May 27, Linden MacIntyre, is a Gemini award-winning journalist and former co-host of CBC Television’s investigative program, The Fifth Estate. He reported from various parts of the world, including the Middle East, Central America and the former Soviet Union.
Where and when?
• May 26-27, 2016
• Chelsea Hotel, Toronto
Who will be there?
The conference will bring together professional regulators, members of the public, parents, education stakeholders, First Nations, Inuit and Métis community members, government officials, providers of pre-service and in-service teacher education, school board representatives, school trustees and employers of Ontario Certified Teachers.
Our workshops
We’ve gathered an international array of thought-leading presenters to provide their insights on trending topics related to professional regulation, the public interest and topics of interest to employers of Ontario Certified Teachers, including:
• fairness in a changing landscape
• sharing of information by multiple agencies during investigations
• educator ethics – permitting the teaching profession to have difficult conversations
• person-centred regulation
• an opportunity for employers of Ontario Certified teachers to understand regulatory changes and recent advice issued by the College to teachers
• implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s “Calls to Action”
• inspiring public trust in ethical professionalism
• mobilizing regulators to better inform the public – The “Ordre de Protéger” campaign
• ensuring that up-to-date teachers’ qualifications are maintained
• and more!
Simultaneous interpretation in English and French will be available for the keynote addresses and workshops are available in both languages.