A Call for Manuscripts for a CJEAP Special Issue
Manufacturing Consent: The Privatization and Commercialization of Education in Canada.
Guest Co-Editors: Dr. Wendy Poole (UBC) & Dr. Gerald Fallon (UBC)
The Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy is welcoming proposals and article submissions for a Special Issue entitled: Manufacturing Consent: The Privatization and Commercialization of Education in Canada. Governments and other key actors supportive of market incursions into public education have created discourses and policy environments that enable and encourage the privatization and commercialization of Canadian education at various levels. This has sometimes occurred in paradoxical ways, for example, by presenting privatization as operating in the public interest or claiming that it will ultimately protect public education.
This special issue seeks to better understand how policy-as-discourse operates in Canadian contexts where neo-liberal education policy has met more resistance and less success than in other international contexts (which is not to say that it has met with no success in Canada). The intent of this issue is to examine how the discourse in governments and/or private sector actors work, both separately and collaboratively, to legitimize or mask the involvement of for-profit entities in public education institutions and systems, resulting in increasing privatization. Potential questions to be addressed include, what processes and discourses are utilized to legitimize and normalize the privatization and commercialization of education? What are the unique means through which public consent for the privatization of education is discursively manufactured? Manuscripts that examine privatization of pre-K, K-12, post-secondary, and vocational education are welcome.
Manuscripts should be approximately 5000 words in length, in APA style, and conform to CJEAP’s editorial policy (http://www.umanitoba.ca/publications/cjeap/.) To be considered for publication in this Special Issue, a 250 word paragraph describing the proposed manuscript will require pre-approval and must be submitted to one of the Co-Editors by February 1st, 2016. Pre-approval does not guarantee manuscript acceptance; all manuscripts will be subject to a blind, peer review process. People submitting for pre-approval will receive an initial response from the editors within two weeks. Full manuscripts must be received by March 31st, 2016.
The Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (CJEAP) is a peer reviewed online journal based at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. All work—submission, review, revision, and distribution—is carried out by electronic mail. Articles may be reproduced freely, provided that the author and Journal are credited and copies are not sold.
Please contact the Guest Editors for further information about this Special Issue.
Dr Wendy Poole: wendy.poole@ubc.ca
Dr Gerald Fallon: gerald.fallon@ubc.ca