Call for Proposals: University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching
May 10-11, 2016
The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning invites you to submit proposals for the 2016 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.
The Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching offers an opportunity for faculty, students, librarians and staff at the University of Calgary and the wider academic community to share, critically examine and build on our collective knowledge of teaching and learning. We invite students to submit proposals, and where appropriate we encourage instructors to include students as co-presenters.
Conference theme: Exploring Creativity in Postsecondary Learning and Teaching
Creativity ignites our imagination and inspires us to think in new ways. The 2016 conference will explore the meaning and potential for creativity in postsecondary education.
All members of the academic community are invited to share their experiences, practices and research in our collective journey of exploring creativity in learning and teaching. Some of the questions you might address include:
• What does it mean to be creative, as a teacher, and/or learner? What provides the evidence of your creativity in practice?
• What does creativity look like? How do educators intentionally foster creativity?
• How do you design learning spaces, courses, programs, and opportunities for creativity in learning and teaching?
• What does creativity look like across disciplines?
• How do you assess creativity in your assignments, courses and across academic programs?
• How can institutions and individuals creatively support teaching and learning?
• How can we more effectively encourage, support, and foster creativity in postsecondary teaching and learning?
Deadline for proposal submissions: Monday, 16 February 2016
View the full conference details
Register for the conference