CEA Neuroscience Symposium Roundtable Takeaways and Videos

Neuroscience Symposium Roundtable Takeaways and Videos

CEA’s 2015 Symposium, Dropping Out: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us, was held on November 4th and 5th in Québec City. In three “supersessions,” prominent researchers explained their findings and gave practical ways to apply neuro-education research to teaching and learning. Dr. Daniel Ansari spoke about how to build math skills with an integrated approach combining both mastery of math facts and inquiry to build conceptual understanding. Steve Masson discussed the most prevalent “neuromyths” held by educational practitioners, and offered some valid findings that teachers could apply to help students succeed. Finally, Dr. Lindsay Thornton, Dr. Alex Thornton and Dr. Chris Gilbert reported on the impact of aerobic exercise and fitness on student learning (and overall well-being).

Over 225 people attended these three presentations. At the end of each session, the participants gathered in groups to discuss how to integrate what they had learned into their professional practice. By answering specific questions assigned by the presenters, they were able to identify strategies for sharing neuroscientific knowledge with their colleagues and applying it in their classroom.

The report on what we learned from your discussions, including videos of the presentations, is available here.