CTF National Women’s Symposium

National Women’s Symposium brings participants from across Canada to examine women’s rights

About 100 participants from across the country representing teacher organizations, educators, Indigenous women, labour and women’s groups will gather in Winnipeg to explore Social Justice Education at the Heart of Women’s Rights, 28 February to 1 March 2016.

The Women’s Symposium, organized by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) in cooperation with The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (MTS), will be an opportunity for participants to discover the journeys women and girls faced and are still facing to gain human rights in Canada thanks to a special presentation by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR).

Guest speakers include the Honourable Patricia Hajdu, Minister of the Status of Women, federal NDP Member of Parliament Niki Ashton, Equal Voice Executive Director Nancy Peckford, Canadian Labour Congress Secretary Treasurer Barb Byers, just to name a few.

The symposium will address issues such as murdered and missing Indigenous women, oppression, domestic violence at work, human trafficking, the representation of women in leadership positions as well as feature education tools to promote social justice and human rights.

For more information: http://www.ctf-fce.ca/en/Pages/Events/Womens-Symposium-2016.aspx