CMLR – Volume 72, Number 1 February 2016

Canadian Modern Language Review
Volume 72, Number 1, February 2016

Laurens (Larry) Vandergrift
Tracey Derwing and Laura Collins

Nécrologie : Laurens (Larry) Vandergrift
Tracey Derwing and Laura Collins

Project-Based Learning through the Eyes of Teachers and Students in Adult ESL Classrooms
Cristina Petersen and Hossein Nassaji
The use of projects and project-based learning has recently received much attention as a way of promoting meaning-focused communication and integrating different language skills into second and foreign language classrooms.

How Does Studying Abroad Change Chinese Students’ Choices of Reading Strategies
Jie Liu
This study explores how a change of learning environment from China to the United Kingdom affects Chinese international master’s students’ use of strategies in academic reading. Think aloud was used at two time points in one academic year among 15 participants.
The Effectiveness of Study-Abroad on Second Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis
Jin-Suk Yang
This study synthesizes the methods and findings of published research investigating second language (L2) learners’ linguistic development in study-abroad (SA) contexts. Some studies have demonstrated that SA participation is beneficial to learners’ L2 development, whereas others have not supported such a relationship.

L2 Academic Discourse Socialization through Oral Presentations: An Undergraduate Student’s Learning Trajectory in Study Abroad
Masaki Kobayashi
The present study provides an in-depth, longitudinal account of an undergraduate student’s L2 discourse socialization in an academic exchange program in Canada. By invoking Rogoff’s (1995) notion of participatory appropriation, this qualitative case study examined an L2 student’s task-related strategies and performance as they evolved over time in a study-abroad context.

Accent, Identity, and a Fear of Loss? ESL Students’ Perspectives
Shannon McCrocklin and Stephanie Link
Because many theorists propose a connection between accent and identity, some theorists have justifiably been concerned about the ethical ramifications of L2 pronunciation teaching. However, English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students often state a desire to sound like native speakers.

Bilingual Being: My Life as a Hyphen
by Kathleen Saint Onge
Julie S. Byrd Clark

Multimodal Teaching and Learning: The Rhetorics of the Science Classroom
by G. Kress, C. Jewitt, J. Ogborn, & C. Tsatsarelis
Shawn Bullock

Musique en formation linguistique professionnelle : une approche innovante
par Pascal Archiméde
Valerie Peters