The JEAF Annual Review of Books

Call for Book Reviews

The JEAF Annual Review of Books

The Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations (JEAF) is accepting book review proposals for its latest editorial development: The JEAF Annual Review of Books. This special issue of the journal focuses exclusively on reviews of recently published books on the fields of educational administration, philosophy of education, sociology of education, history of education, indigenous education, comparative education, and contemporary issues in education. This is the first special issue of this nature published by JEAF. We aim to make this publication a yearly event. We seek reviews that provide a critical evaluation of the book’s contents, offering insights into the main arguments, implications, and general value of the work for scholars and/or practitioners.

Submission Process

  1. Proposal submission (200 words)
    1. Send a 200 words proposal to indicating the title of the book and the general significance of the work for the study of any of the fields mentioned above.
    2. Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and contact information.

  2. Submission of full review (2500 word max.)
  1. After approval of the proposal, authors will be invited to submit their review.
  2. Reviews can be submitted
  3. Please use APA style 6th edition.
  4. All submissions will be subject to editorial review for clarity, conciseness, and general coherency.


  • April 4, 2016, Proposal submission (200 words). Proposals received after this date may be considered for publication in 2017.
  • April 18, 2016, Proposal approvals sent to authors
  • June 13, 2016, Submission of full reviews
  • August 15, 2016, Revisions sent to authors
  • September 26, 2016, Revised manuscripts sent to JEAF

A guide to writing critical book reviews (by Queen’s Writing Centre) could be found here: