CJE Volume 39 Number 1 published

Dear Readers:

Canadian Journal of Education has just published its latest issue at http://www.cje-rce.ca.
We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

For more information on the authors and their research, please visit our Facebook page. Please help spread the word by liking the page!

Thank you for your continuing interest in our work,

Katy Ellsworth
Managing Editor

Canadian Journal of Education Vol 39, No 1 (2016) Table of Contents

Éditorial (1-3)
Rollande Deslandes

Smooth Sailing or Stormy Seas? Atlantic Canadian Physical Educators on the State and Future of Physical Education (1-31)
Daniel B. Robinson, Lynn Randall

Les stratégies des accompagnateurs de l’intégration socioprofessionnelle des enseignants formés à l’étranger : le jeito des despachantes (1-29)
Joëlle Morrissette, Yasmine Charara, Andrée Boily, Serigne Ben Moustapha Diédhiou

The Nature of Principals’ Work and Leadership in French as a Second Language Learning in Ontario Schools (1-26)
Peter Milley, Stephanie Arnott

Examining the Nature of Theory–Practice Relationships in Initial Teacher Education: A Canadian Case Study (1-28)
Karen Goodnough, Thomas Falkenberg, Ron MacDonald

Are the Kids All Right? The Impact of School Climate among Students with LGBT Parents (1-25)
Tracey Peter, Catherine Taylor, Tamara Edkins

Le leadership transformatif : maintenir la langue française vivante au Canada (1-24)
Andréanne Gélinas Proulx, Carolyn M. Shields

Devenir enseignant en formation professionnelle au Québec : la collaboration entre les acteurs favorise-t-elle la persévérance ? (1-23)
Frederic Deschenaux, Marc Tardif

The Journey Between There and Here: Stories of a Faculty Writing Group (1-26)
Cecile M. Badenhorst, Heather McLeod, Dorothy Vaandering, Xuemei Li, Rhonda Joy, Sharon Penney, Sarah Pickett, Jackie Hesson

Essays/Essais critiques
A Formula for Success? An Examination of Factors Contributing to Quebec Students’ Strong Achievement in Mathematics (1-26)
Ilona Vashchyshyn, Egan J Chernoff

Book Reviews/Recensions d’ouvrages
Written as I Remember It: Teachings (ʔəms taʔaw) from the life of a Sliammon elder (1-4)
Jonathan Anuik

The Case for Intercultural Education in a Multicultural World (1-5)
Ian Clark

Growing into Resilience: Sexual and gender minority youth in Canada (1-5)
Jenny Kassen, Alicia Lapointe

Supporting Behaviour for School Success: A step-by-step guide to key strategies (1-4)
Beth Keyes

Thoughts on Teaching and Learning Mathematics (1-4)
Pauline Quan