Call for Papers – International Journal for Lifelong Education

October 2017

The theme of this special issue: Museum pedagogic strategies for change
Editors: Darlene E. Clover, Kathy Sanford, and Kay Johnson

Museums and art galleries have become ubiquitous and are therefore, important sites of adult, community and public education and learning. These institutions however, have a troubled history, which makes them problematic sites that have at best, supported the status quo. However, into their imagined sanctities of neutrality, impartiality and objectivity, have erupted creative and critical pedagogical and exhibitionary approaches. Although not always unproblematic, these strategies and practices intentionally aim to take up, deconstruct, contest, re-construct, disrupt, and render visible social as well as institutional challenges and problems.
Within this framework, we ask what contributions these cultural pedagogic sites are making to social, cultural or ecological justice and change? How are they responding to a globalised, neoliberal, neo-colonial, inequitable/unequal, fundamentalist and intolerant world? What are the challenges they face in attempting to be progressive pedagogical sites of possibility?
Although not exhaustive, papers could explore the following areas:

* socio-cultural pedagogical challenges and politicisations
* women and/or artists as adult educators
* pedagogies in/as response to issues of identity, colonisation, fundamentalism, , neoliberalism, gender inequity, environmental destruction, and so forth
* popular education, feminist adult education, arts-based adult education, and/or environmental adult education in the museum
* decolonising methodologies and practices
* conceptions and practices of visual and/or critical literacy;
* use of arts-based practices, artefacts and/or exhibitions in knowledge creation, mobilisation and/or social justice and change;
* contributions (and challenges) of technology
* activism in/for the museum
* social movement learning in/and the museum

Articles will share empirical research, theorise from the literature, and/or tell ‘stories’ of struggle and/or potential (as museums in particular are storytellers, and libraries carry ‘stories’ in the form of books, videos and readings).

Please submit a 200-250 word proposal (including a title) to Darlene Clover by September 01, 2016 (  Submit separately a page with the proposed title and name(s) of the author(s).

Please do not use headers or footers. Use double-spacing. Do not include a covering page.

Notification: You will be notified no later than October 01. If your abstract is accepted, the full article will be submitted to no later than February 01 for external peer review. Full formatting guidelines will be sent to those accepted.

* Although the guest editors may select your abstract for further development, they cannot guarantee acceptance of your paper by peer reviewers. All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed.