CEA Innovation that Sticks

School District Innovation Case Study: Avoid using “21st Century Learning” jargon and gently pull resistors forward

New Canadian Education Association report details how the Ottawa Catholic School Board has become one of the most innovative school systems in the country.

A comprehensive case study research report released by the Canadian Education Association (CEA) provides key insights into how – in five years – the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) went from teaching with overhead projectors to creating a robust digital learning ecosystem in all of its 83 schools.

Case Study Report Executive Summary and Videos

Full Case Study Report

Beyond avoiding the use of “21st Century Learning” jargon, OCSB leaders communicated their plan clearly and effectively to achieve critical support from all partners. They customized the pace of professional learning for each teacher. They also secured a budget commitment from trustees to convert all libraries to Learning Commons. The OSCB also made WiFi universally available to support Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs so that social media could be used a learning tool among all students, teachers and administrators. Gradually, the prevailing culture of caution and control gave way to curiosity and innovation.

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