Latest issue of CJE available (39:2 (2016))

Hello Everyone:  Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at  The table of contents can be found below.

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Happy reading!

Katy Ellsworth, Managing Editor
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Canadian Journal of Education Vol 39, No 2 (2016) Table of Contents

CJE: Reflecting Canadian Diversity (1-3)
Theodore Christou, Christopher DeLuca

Can a Classroom Be a Family? Race, Space, and the Labour of Care in Urban Teaching (1-36)
Kathleen Gallagher

L’éducation à la citoyenneté à l’école primaire : étude des représentations professionnelles d’enseignantes du Québec (1-24)
Pierre-Luc Fillion, Luc Prud’homme, Marie-Claude Larouche

Religious Diversity and Inclusion: Policy and Accommodation Practices in British Columbia’s Secular School System (1-25)
Marianne Jacquet, Laura D’Amico

Make Your Mind Strong: My Father’s Insights into Academic Success (1-21)
Sara Florence Davidson

Experiential High School Career Education, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation (1-24)
Lisa Gaylor, Jennifer J. Nicol

L’association entre l’état de vulnérabilité psychosociale pendant l’enfance et le rendement scolaire au primaire (1-25)
Karine Paquette, Christa Japel, Hélène Paradis

Book Reviews/Recensions d’ouvrages
Foundations of Education: A Social, Political, and Philosophical Approach (1-4)
Gary W. J. Pluim

Learning Activism: The Intellectual Life of Contemporary Social Movements (1-4)
Matthew Waugh, Angelina S. Lee

Educational Research: Contemporary Issues and Practical Approaches (2nd Edition) (1-3)
Diane P. Janes

Decolonizing Solidarity:  Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles (1-4)
Margaret McKeon

International Service Learning: Engaging host communities (1-3)
Catherine Broom

Urban Diversities and Language Policies in Medium-Sized Linguistic Communities (1-3)
Megan MacCormack

Teaching Languages Online, 2nd Edition (1-3)
Reuben Vyn

Assessment for Reading Instruction, 3rd edition (1-3)
Cort Casey

Leadership and School Boards: Guarding the Trust in an Era of Community Engagement, 2nd Edition (1-3)
Deborah Crawford